Why is the Old testament so bloody? Almost pagan like?Why did God have the Israelites do a lot of bloodletting both on humans and animals? Lots of graphic bloodshed spilling in the Old…Jan 18, 2024Jan 18, 2024
Let’s Talk OkraWhat we do: Give businesses full access to financial data from all financial institutions in Nigeria via API or a dashboard.Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
A broken cautious heartA friend once told me that “breakfast” served is character building. In case you’re not Nigerian, breakfast no longer means that relaxing…Feb 24, 20222Feb 24, 20222
My inability to loveI am the type that has been in love only 4 times in my lifetime, I have asked only 2 ladies out and I didn’t get a YES. oh! make it 4. Not…Oct 28, 20202Oct 28, 20202
I HATE TRUMP — A REFERENDUM2020 has succeeded in exceeding every imaginable imagination and still the year is not over, to mention a few, World War Three (US vs…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020