Why is the Old testament so bloody? Almost pagan like?
Why did God have the Israelites do a lot of bloodletting both on humans and animals? Lots of graphic bloodshed spilling in the Old Testament? Imagine slaying 1,000 sheep on the altar and being sacrificed to God. Is it that he needed them? The smell? The killing? Knowing that whatever God tells us to do is for us first to be properly positioned toward him. He doesn’t and never needed anything physical from us
So why the graphics representation, the sacrifice? The intense killing? i mean if you read the Old Testament well. whew! worse than a Roman army & Gual war? or a scene in the Netflix Barbarian series. here's what I believe, I believe once the children of Isreal left the land of Egypt they lost all sense of the true values of being with God both physically and ideologically or spiritually.
They had fully absorbed all that was the Egyptian was for 400 centuries and so God had to establish his values, what he his, love, sacrifice, victory, integrity, surrender in the physical representation that they did not understand or have an inclination of and until they did understand that only can we or could they have transitioned to the spiritual because unless a thing has been understood physically and transcended beyond that, you cannot grasp the spiritual, because the spiritual can only be understood by man within the context of what’s physical either an physical or a mental representation. The children of Isreal had to experience it physically to have the mental framework for us/them to be able to peg and understand the spiritual
But why did they have to leave in the first place anyways? Couldn’t God have not made them go to Egypt? I think Abraham did something though. Anyways back to my musings.
God had to start from scratch to get them to understand the totality and pure physical notions of all the values that he represents and lay the foundations in the physical before the spiritual can be passed along. That’s why heaven and earth exist. A physical and a spiritual representation, that’s why the spirit and the body exist, that’s why a lamb was sacrificed and christ sacrificed physically so we can understand the concept of physical sacrifice.
Except a thing has been taken to the extreme of physicality or established at the ideal state of physical only then can you grasp or understand what the spiritual can offer or represent or be. The spiritual lays the foundations for the physical but the physical is the seen imitation and copy of what could be in the spiritual. If you can grasp the physical or imitation or copy of a thing how can you understand or fathom the original version of it?
How possible is that? If you can’t understand why a lamb had to be slain for your sin of masturbation and the concept of sin transference how would you understand what Christ did for you or the concept of remission and forgiveness? The physical exist to lay a soft blow to understand the spiritual. It exists to prepare you for the spiritual. It’s not the end of itself, it’s the pre-season of the season. It’s a shadow of what should and is.
What do you think? reason enough?